- Our Global Team
- Algeria
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- Cambodia
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- China
- Costa Rica
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- El Salvador
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Greenland
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Myanmar
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- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
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- Oman
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Qatar
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- South Africa
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- Sweden
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Türkiye
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Vietnam
Meet all scansteel foodtech A/S Agents and Distributors

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person(s)
Tobias Madsen
E-mail: tobias.madsen@scansteelfoodtech.com
Mobile: +45 3143 0906

Focus Trading
Unit 12/94 Boundary Road
Sunshine West, Victoria 3020, Australia
Website: www.focustrading.com.au
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Jamie Culpitt
E-mail: jamie@focustrading.com.au
Mobile: +61 432 605 627
Darryl Russ
E-mail: darryl@focustrading.com.au
Mobile: +61 459 261 052
Fiona Culpitt
E-mail: spareparts@focustrading.com.au
Mobile:+61 407 871 873

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

Vertec BV
Keizerstraat 9
5751 MR Deurne
The Netherlands
Website: www.vertec.nl
Mobile: +31 (0)6 1186 7762
E-mail: info@vertec.nl
Get in contact with our agent
Harry Jorissen
Mobile: +31 (0) 6 11867762
E-mail: harry@vertec.nl

Rua Suapé N° 37 – Cidade Dutra
São Paulo / 04811-030
Phone: +55 11 4328-3278 or +55 11 4328-3328
E-mail: fimach@fimach.com.br
Website: www.fimach.com.br
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Antonio Carlos Filleti
Mobile: +55 11 98331-0887
E-mail: antonio.filleti@fimach.com.br

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Axel Arras
Mobile: +66 (0) 81927-4346
E-mail: axel.arras@fpt-asia.com
Surarit Boonyapredee (Yod)
Mobile: +66 (0) 81-414-6667
E-mail: sales.rep@fpt-asia.com

Scan American Corporation
9505 North Congress Ave.
Kansas City, MO, 64153
United States
Phone: +1 816 880 9321
E-Mail: mail@scanamcorp.com
Website: www.scanamcorp.com
Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Aaron Chabino
Phone: +1 816-880-9321
E-mail: achabino@scanamcorp.com

Shanghai H-Plus Machinery Co., Ltd.
Room 504, SUEP National University Science Park, No. 2588 Changyang Road,
Shanghai, China
Phone: +86-21 6321 6992
Website: www.h-plus.net
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Jane Zhu
Mobile: +86-150 9528 4001
E-mail: jane.zhu@h-plus.net
Peter Sun
E-mail: peter.sun@h-plus.net

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Nemco Machinery A/S
Lyngager 13
DK-2605 Brøndby
Phone: +45 43 45 60 00
E-mail: nemco@nemco.dk
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Bjarne Hvolbøll
Mobile.: +45 20 31 38 65
E-mail: bh@nemco.dk

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pertti Laurila
E-mail: pla@nemco.fi
Bjarne Hvolbøll
Mobile: +45 20 31 38 65
E-mail: bh@nemco.dk

Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Bodo Schulte
Phone: +49 151 168 61549
E-mail: bodo.schulte@process-pack.de
Andreas Niescery
Phone: +49 170 705 5852
E-mail: andreas.niescery@process-pack.de

CFS Industrial Food Systems
Lefkados 22 , Glyka Nera
Paiania -Attiki 15354
Phone: +30 210 6655240
E-mail: info@iosd.gr
Website: www.cfs-industrial.gr
Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Evangelos Ioannides
Mobile: +30 697 225 0701
E-mail: evangelos.ioannides@iosd.gr
Stergios Lentis
Mobile: +30 698 116 7394
E-mail: sales@iosd.gr
Vasilis Tsirikas
Mobile: +30 697 339 8202
E-mail sales2@iosd.gr

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person(s)
Per Birkholm
Mobile: +45 51 73 02 52
E-mail: per.birkholm@scansteelfoodtech.com

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Omori United Kingdom
3 & 4 Bankfield Court, Ferryview Business Park, Commercial Road, Bromborough Merseyside, CH62 3NN,
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 845 293 2910
E-mail: uk@omori.eu
Website: www.omori.eu
Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Chris Keenan
Mobile: +44 (0) 788 155 1420
E-mail: ck@omori.eu
Barry France
Mobile: +44 783 669 2056
E-mail: bf@omori.eu

Leon Pessach & Sons LTD
7 Habonim st. ind.zone, Netanya South
P.O.B 13490, Israel 42134
Phone: 09 8651 152
Fax: 09 8651 154
E-mail: info@pessach.net
Website: www.pessach.net
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Raz Pessach
Mobile: +972 (0) 52 6440 318
Company phone: +972 9865 1152
E-mail: raz@pessach.net
Haim Rosenberg
Mobile: +972 (0) 54 245 1152
Company phone: +972 9865 1152
E-mail: haim@pessach.net

Techpartner Srl
Via per Castelnuovo Rangone 200
41126 Portile(MO) ITALY
Phone: +39 059 460012
Website: www.techpartnersrl.com
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Marco Alessandro Weiss
Mobile: +39 059 460012
E-mail: m.weiss@techpartnersrl.it
Andrea Gasparini
Mobile: +39 327 2028094
E-mail: a.gasparini@techpartnersrl.it

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Axel Arras
Mobile: +66 (0) 81927-4346
E-mail: axel.arras@fpt-asia.com
Surarit Boonyapredee (Yod)
Mobile: +66 (0) 81-414-6667
E-mail: sales.rep@fpt-asia.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Juan Carlos Autrique
Mobile: +52 81 2036-6187
E-mail: jc@verautri.mx

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person(s)
Tobias Madsen
E-mail: tobias.madsen@scansteelfoodtech.com
Mobile: +45 3143 0906

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Axel Arras
Mobile: +66 (0) 81927-4346
E-mail: axel.arras@fpt-asia.com
Surarit Boonyapredee (Yod)
Mobile: +66 (0) 81-414-6667
E-mail: sales.rep@fpt-asia.com

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person to obtain our local agents contact data:
Per Birkholm
Mobile: +45 51 73 02 52
E-mail: per.birkholm@scansteelfoodtech.com

Vertec BV
Keizerstraat 9
5751 MR Deurne
The Netherlands
Mobile: +31 (0)6 1186 7762
E-mail: info@vertec.nl
Website: www.vertec.nl
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Harry Jorissen
Mobile: +31 (0)6 1186 7762
E-mail: harry@vertec.nl

Food Machinery Imports and Servicing
Unit C
21 McKee St Pukete Hamilton 3200
New Zealand
Website: www.foodmis.co.nz
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Sandie Hussey
Mobile: +64 274 851 869
Telephone: +64 929 4023
Email: sandie@foodmis.co.nz

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Petter Breigutu
Telephone: +47 908 56 777
Email: petter.breigutu@bokken.no

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

Monitrol Ingeniería, S.A.
Ofibodegas Terrum local #9-10 Alajuela ,
Costa Rica
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Pedro Vargas P.
Telephone: +506 2430 4875
Mobile: +506 8821 8487
E-mail: pvargas@monitrolcr.com

Focus Trading
Unit 12/94 Boundary Road
Sunshine West, Victoria 3020, Australia
Website: www.focustrading.com.au
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Jamie Culpitt
E-mail: jamie@focustrading.com.au
Mobile: +61 432 605 627
Darryl Russ
E-mail: darryl@focustrading.com.au
Mobile: +61 459 261 052
Fiona Culpitt
E-mail: spareparts@focustrading.com.au
Mobile:+61 407 871 873

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person to obtain our local agents contact data:
Per Birkholm
Mobile: +45 51 73 02 52
E-mail: per.birkholm@scansteelfoodtech.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Surarit Boonyapredee (Yod)
Mobile: +66 (0) 81-414-6667
E-mail: sales.rep@fpt-asia.com

premac sp. z o.o.
02-921 Warszawa ul. Podgórska 3
Phone:+48 601 150 997
Phone:+48 227 420 150
Telefax:+48 226 420 505
E-mail: premac@premac.pl
Website: www.premac.pl
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Marcin Królicki CEO
Mobile +48 601 150 997
E-mail: m.krolicki@premac.pl
Wojciech Nawrocki
Phone: +48 531 463 475
E-mail: w.nawrocki@premac.pl
Tomasz Mikołajczak
Phone:+48 537 721 960
Email: t.mikolajczak@premac.pl
Marta Staniszewska
Phone: +48 531 464 264
E-mail: serwis@premac.pl

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

Technologies of Food Industry
Petrovka Str., b. 17, str. 4,
front door No. 3, office 66
Moscow, 107031
Website: www.foodpromtech.ru
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Mr. Alexander Bobrow
Email: aab@foodpromtech.ru
Ms. Irina Vanavskaya
Email: via@foodpromtech.ru

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person(s)
Per Birkholm
Mobile: +45 51 73 02 52
E-mail: per.birkholm@scansteelfoodtech.com

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Javier Lopez
Mobile: +34 667 669 556
E-mail: javier@picsl.es
Xevi Lopez
Mobile: +34 634 622 041
E-mail: xevi@naxindustrias.es

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Leonard Edirisinghe
Mobile: +94 (0) 77 8804125
E-mail: sl@fpt-asia.com

Nemco Machinery AB
Box 62003
200 62 Limhamn, Malmö
Phone: +46 (0)40 219 551
Website: www.nemco.se
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Peo Blomqvist
Mobile: +46 (0)706 010 111
E-mail: pb@nemco.se
Bjarne Hvolbøll
Mobile: +45 20 31 38 65
E-mail: bh@nemco.dk

Food Process Technology Co., Ltd
47/8 Moo5 ,Srinakarin Rd., Bangmueang, Mueang Samutprakan , Samutprakan, 10270
Website: www.fpt-asia.com
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Axel Arras
Mobile: +66 (0) 81927-4346
E-mail: axel.arras@fpt-asia.com
Surarit Boonyapredee (Yod)
Mobile: +66 (0) 81-414-6667
E-mail: sales.rep@fpt-asia.com

scansteel foodtech A/S
Industrivej 6
DK-4200 Slagelse
Phone: + +45 70 27 14 10
E-mail: info@scansteelfoodtech.com
Website: www.scansteelfoodtech.com
Please contact the following person(s)
Tobias Madsen
E-mail: tobias.madsen@scansteelfoodtech.com
Mobile: +45 3143 0906

Albatek Makine San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Ostim Finans ve İş Merkezi 100. Yıl Blv. No:99/5
Yenimahalle Ankara
Website: www.albateknik.com
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Telephone: +90 532 737 19 29
E-mail: bahadir@albateknik.com

STEINER Engineering & Consulting Ukraine
Phone: +38 044 3907338
Website: www.steiner-pumps.com
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Olexiy B. Kolodchenko, General Manager
Mobile:+38 067 5061112
E-mail: olexiy@steiner.com.ua

Get in contact with our agent(s)
Philip K. Koshy
Mobile: +971 (0)56 535 4849
E-mail: ceo@fpt-me.com
Babu Puthoor
Mobile: +971 (0)54 447 4163
E-mail: pm@fpt-me.com

Omori United Kingdom
3 & 4 Bankfield Court, Ferryview Business Park, Commercial Road, Bromborough Merseyside, CH62 3NN,
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 845 293 2910
E-mail: uk@omori.eu
Website: www.omori.eu
Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Chris Keenan
Mobile: +44 (0) 788 155 1420
E-mail: ck@omori.eu
Barry France
Mobile: +44 783 669 2056
E-mail: bf@omori.eu

Scan American Corporation
9505 North Congress Ave.
Kansas City, MO, 64153
Phone: +1 816 880 9321
E-Mail: mail@scanamcorp.com
Website: www.scanamcorp.com
Get in contact with our distributor(s)
Aaron Chabino
Phone: +1 816-880-9321
E-mail: achabino@scanamcorp.com

FPT Food Process Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd
No. 50, Road 4, Residential area 6B – Intresco, Binh Hung, Binh Chanh district, HCMC.
Website: www.fpt-asia.com
Get in contact with our agent(s)
Nguyen Ngoc Duong
Mobile: +84(0) 907 054 786
Email: cmo.vn@fpt-asia.com